Sunday, January 24, 2010

Prayer for International Students

I don't think that anyone reads this and to be honest, that comforts me :-)...However, just in case, I'm sending out this prayer request into cyber space. Today marks the start of another wonderful semester working with the international students in our global cafe. I am excited, but also extremely anxious. Fresno State did not accept any new students into the program this year which means that most of the students will be those who came last semester. This exciting becuase the Lord will continue to grow and strenghten already exsisting relationships with these students and will continue to draw them to His truth and His Word. And if they bring others then great! This is just more opportunity to reach out to them with God's truth and tell them of the only thing that really matters- Christ. Now to the anxious side of things. I am trying so hard to trust God now in this and to remember that as Philippians 4 says, we are not to be anxious but bring all things to Him in prayer with thanksgiving! However, my student from last semester has gone back to Korea. I love her to death and I am so glad that the Lord has continued our relationship but that means tonight I need to step out in faith. I am so not good with meeting new people. It is hard for me to open up. Real hard. However, the Lord is far greater! I know He will give me words and has already set forth this new partnership! He has been preparing me already for whoever I am going to meet and vice versa. It has still been a hard day though. So my prayer is that God would open my mouth and my heart tonight. That every hinderance will be pushed aside and that I may be bold in my faith and bold in my love of these students. That He would show Christ through me tonight! Please pray for the hearts of these students as we get to know them and get to share our amazing God with them!

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