Saturday, July 17, 2010

A funk

For a couple weeks now I have described my life as being "In a funk". Its been weird. It is only within the last few days that I am beginning to define this funk as what it truly is. Laziness. That is what it boils down to. Pure selfish laziness. I have been questioning why i have not been growing and praying for the Lord to show me himself, but in what ways have I been seeking Him? By coming home and watching TV? By sleeping as much as possible (which I never used to do)? Growth does not happen by a mere accident. Just as we must train our physical self in order to be healthy (yet another thing I am setting forth to do), so we must train spiritually. So here goes. Lord help me to set aside the vain and worthless things that I tend to reach for in my free time. Only in your power can I do so. Working full time is no excuse for laziness. Lord help me to see things in my life that are not for your kingdom. Penetrate me with Your Word so that I might love you and treasure you more. Lord may you increase and may I greatly decrease.

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