Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Psalm 106

Lately I have been reading through Genesis which has been so so good! This morning I was reading in Ch 26 where Isaac tells King Abimelech that Rebecca is his sister and not his wife. My first thought? Seriously Isaac. Abraham did that exact same thing not too long ago and it didnt fare well for him. I slightly checked my pride and continued reading. Then I happened to turn to Psalm 106. Correlates perfectly. It is a history of how Israel continued to rebel against the Lord time and time again. The Lord then promises destruction, moses intercedes a couple of times, the Lords wrath is subdued....and then they rebel again. Once more my pride reared its ugly head. "You've already been here Israel! You know not to follow the gods and the idols of the nations! You have seen firsthand what the Lord your God can do!"....Ah but Christianne. You have been there. You know not to follow idols and yet so easily fall. You, Christianne have seen the mighty hand of the Lord and the turned around and rebelled. Thank you Lord for humbling me this morning. Thank you for bringing me back again and again to the foot of the cross. Thank you that becuase of your great love, I am not consumed. I, like Israel, deserve such destrcution. But Lord, you are so good to your children. Thank you.

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