Friday, August 28, 2009


John 14:15
"If you love me me, you will keep my commandments".

When it comes to this verse, my mind often tends to twist the truth of it into a lie of my own thinking. If I am obeying Him commands I must love Him right? I am striving for obedience and therefore i must love my God. But what about when I dont obey His commands perfectly? This in turn spirals don into legalistic thinking that if I can somehow be good enough or keep His commands then and only then can I show God my love. This thinking is opposite of the truth. A lie. Obedience is not the end all be all, love of God is. Loving and delighting in my Lord and Savior. Obedience is simply the outcome of love for God. it is the outpouring of my affections toward my Maker. If I love Christ, if i am completely delighted and satisfied in Him then my actions will match. I will seek to serve and obey Him out of gratitute. Sounds simple, but this is something that I struggle with.
John piper said:
"Here the issue of salvation is loving or hating the light. Love darkness, or love light. Thats the crisis of the soul. But what is love for darkness? Its preferring darkness, liking darkness, wanting darkness, running to darkness, being glad with darkness. But all of that is what Jesus demands for himself: 'Prefer my light, like my fellowship, want my wisdom, run to my refuge, be glad in my grace. Above all delight in me as a Person'."

This is my prayer. That I may delight in the Lord and in His Person. That I may be completely and utterly satisfied in Him. That my desires would be for Him and Him alone.

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